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Eye floaters are small spots, threads, or shapes that drift through your field of vision, often appearing as tiny specks, cobwebs, or clouds. These floaters move as your eyes move and are especially noticeable when looking at a plain, bright background, like a clear sky or a blank computer screen. Although they can be annoying, they are usually harmless and are a common part of the aging process.

Causes of Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are caused by changes in the vitreous, the gel-like substance inside the eye. As you age, the vitreous becomes more liquid, and tiny fibers within it clump together. These clumps cast shadows on the retina, creating the appearance of floaters. Other causes include:

  • Aging: Common in people over 50.
  • Posterior vitreous detachment: The vitreous pulls away from the retina, which is normal with aging.
  • Eye injuries: Trauma to the eye can lead to floaters.
  • Inflammation (uveitis): Inflammation in the eye can lead to floaters.
  • Retinal tears or detachment: A serious condition that can sometimes present with floaters.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While floaters are usually harmless, a sudden increase in floaters, flashes of light, or a loss of peripheral vision may indicate a retinal tear or detachment, which is a medical emergency.

In most cases, floaters do not require treatment unless they impair vision significantly. In rare cases, laser therapy or surgery might be recommended.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Rajan today and take the first step towards clearer vision and a brighter future. Your eyes deserve the best – choose the best eye hospital in Phagwara.

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